Work from Home

If You Must Work, Work From Home
Watkins Indep. Associate #385460

Stemtech Indep. Distributor #5979645

ViSalus Indep. Distributor #1103078

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Farmers don't get much bread from bread

People are often complaining about the cost of food at the grocery store. Just realize this, the extra cost put onto foods is a result of shipping and processing... off the farm to be processed into a usable product (for example: flour).... to a processing plant to be made into pasta, cookies, bread etc.... then back again to the store for sale. Everyone in that chain has their hand out waiting to get paid. The extra costs at the store just whittle down to people are looking to buy already processed food. If you prefer to have someone else produce the product that you buy at the store, then expect to pay to have them do so.

I found myself complaining as well and decided to make a change. I only buy fresh products at the store, not frozen or canned. Turns out, there is a flour mill locally and for the cost of 4 loaves of bread, I can buy a 10 lb bag of flour... and make my own. Fresh baking is a lost art and I would encourage anyone that has a kitchen to use it! Many kitchens today are just the "show piece of the home". Why not make it the "heart of the home" once again. Use your kitchen for what it was intended. What a way to get closer to your family by cooking together! Share the responsibilities... and the bounty!

Farmers don't get much bread from bread

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